The First Height Reduction Facility in World
Height Reduction is the first height reduction company in the world, we are also proud of being the first limb lengthening company in Türkiye. We provide our patients all the support they will need throughout the whole process.

Height Reduction Surgery Patients' Before and After
Discover the transformative results of limb shortening surgery through our patients' inspiring before and after images. Witness their journeys and the life-changing impact of this procedure, showcasing the improvements in mobility, confidence, and overall quality of life.
About the First Height Reduction Facility in the World
HedightReduction® team is dedicated to working tirelessly to provide you the best assistance, facilities, and care throughout your limb shortening experience. We constantly endeavor to create a comfortable environment for you so that you have a beautiful experience from the moment you arrive in Istanbul until the time you achieve your desired height. We are always attentive to all your needs from greeting and welcoming you on your arrival at the airport, and the journey to your hotel and the hospital. Our mission is to help you feel at home with us in Istanbul.
Limb Shortening 'ONLY' in Proven Scientific Limits

Is there limb shortening surgery?Yes, indeed limb shortening surgery exists and is successfuly performed by our own surgeon, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yunus Öç. If you would like to get more information about how the surgery is performed, please visit our Methods page.
Can height reduction surgery be combined with other procedures?In some cases, height reduction surgery can be combined with other procedures to address additional concerns. For example, if there are deformities or malalignments, the surgeon may perform corrective procedures simultaneously.
Will height reduction surgery leave visible scars?The scarring is minimal with limb reduction surgery, some incisions are cut through the legs during the surgery however they heal fast after the surgery
What are the potential risks and complications of height reduction surgery?Like all surgeries, there are some risks and complications that can occur with height reduction surgery, however, it is important to choose the right doctor and the team to prevent them. You can read more about what are the risks and complications of height reduction surgery from our article.
What is height reduction surgery?Height reduction surgery, also known as limb shortening surgery, is a procedure designed to reduce the height of individuals. It involves surgically removing a portion of the bones on the legs, either from the femur or tibia.
How soon after height reduction surgery can I return to normal activities?With the height reduction surgery, it is expected for patients to walk unaided 2-3 months after the surgery. After the patient succeeds to walk unaided, they can start to go back to their normal lives.
What kind of anesthesia is used during height reduction surgery?Height reduction surgery is usually done under general anesthesia but it can also be done with local anesthesia. After the anesthesiologist’s opinions are taken, the patient can decide for themselves to have the surgery with either general or local anesthesia.
Is height surgery a risk?Like every surgery, limb reduction surgery has also its risks and complication possibilities. You can read about what are those links in our Complications and Risks article.
Are there non-surgical alternatives to height reduction surgery?Non-surgical alternatives for reducing height are limited. In some cases, physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises may help improve posture and alignment, giving the illusion of a shorter stature however they won't provide any permanent results.
Who is a candidate for height reduction surgery?The patient candidate for height reduction surgery is usually young adults and adults who stopped growing. Most people usually reach their tallest height at 18 or 20. In addition, the candidate should be in good health and it is good to mention that the thinner the upper legs of the patient candidate are the better for the surgery.
How successful is height reduction surgery?The success rate of height reduction surgery is not known because there are only a few examples in the World, but the height reduction surgeries that our doctor had done were completed successfully. You can read more about it in our website.
How is height reduction surgery performed?To achieve height reduction surgery, the doctor removes some of the femur by cutting the bone. Then the rest of the bone pieces are attached with an intramedullary nail until the bones heal.
Can height be decreased by surgery?Although it is not something done often, cosmetic limb reduction surgery is possible and our doctor Yunus Öç has successfully done it. If there is a length difference between your limbs, it is also possible to do limb reduction surgery for them to be at the same length.
How long does height reduction surgery typically take?The typical height reduction surgery takes 2-3 hours, depending on how much of the bone will be cut during the surgery and the complexity of the procedure for each individual.
How much is height reduction surgery?Currently, it is 19850$ at Height Reduction. You can get more information about the additional fees; such as accommodation if you are going to spend your recovery in Turkey, by contacting us.
What is the height reduction surgery recovery process like?After the height reduction surgery, the hospital process usually takes 3 to 5 days. If you had your surgery with us, during the hospital process, the patient gets 1 or 2 physical therapy sessions, and how the exercises should be done is explained to the patient. After the hospital process, the patient should have intensive physical therapy sessions, and doing this with an experienced physiotherapist can speed up the recovery time.
Is there an age limit for height reduction surgery?Cosmetic limb reduction surgery can be done with young adults and adults who have closed growth plates, which means they stopped growing completely. Ideally, it is recommended for people over 20 but it can also be done after 18 if the person stopped growing.
MembershipTurkish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Turkish Medical Association, Istanbul Medical Association Turkish Orthopaedics Education Board Member (Turkish Orthopaedic Board Exam Nov. 2011)
Symposiums and CongressesMehmet Mesut Sonmez , Figen Yılmaz, Yunus Öç, Ramazan Erden Erturer, Mustafa Faik Seçkin, İrfan Öztirk - Evaluation of superior gluteal nerve by electromyography method in patients who have proximal femoral nails applied due to intertropcanteric fracture - 22nd National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress 2011 Yunus Öç, Raffi Armağan,Adnan Kara, Bekir Eray Kılınç, Savaş Çamur, Osman Tuğrul Eren - Results of Treatment of Intraarticular fragment radius fractures with Voler Locked Plaques - Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting- Wow Hotel Convention Center, Istanbul (17-20 April 2014) Bekir Eray Kılınç, Adnan Kara, Yunus Oc, Haluk Celik, Savas Çamur - Evaluation of thigh atrophy by isometric dynamometer in patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction -2nd Physiotherapy - Orthopedics Joint Symposium – October, 2014 Adnan Kara, Müjdat Bankaoğlu, Yunus Öç, Tahir Sadık Sügün, Haluk Çelik, Melih Malkoç - EVALUATION OF FLEXOR POLLS LONGUS(FPL) TENDON COMPLICATIONS WITH ULTRASONOGRAPHY IN DYSTAL RADIUS FRACTURES WITH VOLAR LOCKED PLAQUE -24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress – Antalya, 2014 Bekir Eray Kılınc,Adnan Kara,Mehmet Mesut Sonmez,Haluk Çelik,Yunus Öç - Transtibial Technique Using Anterior Cruciate Ligament Lesions Autogenous Hemstring Tendon Graft and Our Comparative Early Results After Reconstruction with Anatomical Single Band Technique - Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting- Wow Hotel Convention Center, Istanbul (17-20 April 2014) Adnan Kara, Yunus Öç, Metin Uzun, Hakan Turan Çift, Mehmet Ali Uysal, Tahir Sadık Sügün - COMPARISON OF 4-WAY RADIOGRAPH AND ULTRASONOGRAPHY IN THE DORSAL CORTEX PENETRATION OF THE BODY IN RADIUS DYSTAL EXTREMES WHERE VOLAR PLAQUE IS APPLIED - 24th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress – Antalya, 2014 Mehmet Mesut Sonmez, Savas Camur, Meric Ugurlar, Osman Tugrul Eren, Yunus Oc, Bekir Eray Kilinc - Comparison study on the burden of care in patients with intertrocanteric and femur neck fractures - 25th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress – October, 2015
Scientific RewardsBekir Eray Kılınç, Adnan Kara, Yunus Oc, Haluk Celik, Savas Çamur - Evaluation of the accuracy of Lachman and Front Drawer tests with KT-1000 artrometer - 26th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress - Antalya, 2016 (First Prize in Sports Traumatology)
Articles Published in National Peer Reviewed JournalsY Öç, BE Kılınç, O Gültekin, EA Yazar, A Varol, HM Özdemir Brown Tumor and Hyperparathyroidism in Orthopaedic Surgery Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis 27 (1), 24 2021 A Şeker, HB Sezer, R Armağan, Y Öç, T Işık, A Kara, İ Öztürk Incidence of developmental dysplasia of the hip of infants younger than six months old in our orthopaedics outpatient clinic Şişli Etfal Medical Bulletin 46 (3), 140-144 Çamur, S., Kilinc, B. E., Sönmez, M. M., Çelik, H., & Öç, Y. (2015). Medical Cost Analysis of the Osteoporotic Hip Fractures. Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis,21(3). M Kanar, R Armagan, Y Oc, HB Sezer, OT Eren Treatment of unstable distal radius fractures with non-bridginig external fixation Şişli Etfal Medical Bulletin 51 (2), 96 M Kanar, R Armağan, Y Oc, MA Talmac, OT Eren Is intensive care unit necessary for geriatric hip fractures? Şişli Etfal Medical Bulletin, 51 (3), 201-206 A Kara, Y Öç, A Şeker, M Uzun, E Ertürer, İ Öztürk A rare type of dislocation of hemiarthroplasty after intertrochanteric fracture The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital 47 (3), 154-156 Camur S,Celik H,Kılınc BE,Oc Y,Ozcan MS,Kara A Outcomes of diaphyseal femur fractures treated by long- and short- term traction methods in pre-school children , Medicine Science 2021;10(1):262-7
EducationMedical School: Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine - Istanbul, Turkey (2002-2008) Residency in Orthopedic Surgery: Residency in Orthopedic Surgery: Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital – 2014
Special ExpertiseLimb lengthening (Adult & Pediatric) Limb Lengthening Revision Limb lengthening Discrepancy Limb Deformity Correction (Bowlegs / X-Legs) Bone and soft tissue sarcomas Prosthetic surgery Arthroscopic surgery
Articles Published in International Peer Reviewed Journals (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)Oc Y, Kilinc BE, Cennet S, Boyacioglu MM, Ertugrul R, Varol A. Complications of Computer Tomography Assisted Radiofrequency Ablation in the Treatment of Osteoid Osteoma. Biomed Res Int. 2019 May 15;2019:4376851. doi: 10.1155/2019/4376851. eCollection 2019.PMID: 31223617 Oc Y, Kilinc BE, Gulcu A, Varol A, Ertugrul R, Kara A Ultrasonography or direct radiography? A comparison of two techniques to detect dorsal screw penetration after volar plate fixation. .J Orthop Surg Res. 2018 Apr 3;13(1):70. doi: 10.1186/s13018-018-0774-5.PMID: 29615100 Kilinc BE, Oc Y, Erturer RE. TREATMENT OF MIDSHAFT CLAVICLE FRACTURE WITH SUPERIOR PLATE PLACEMENT. Acta Ortop Bras. 2020 Mar-Apr;28(2):88-91. doi: 10.1590/1413-785220202802226166.PMID: 32425671 Sahin C, Oc Y, Ediz N, Altınay M, Bayrak AH. The safety and the efficacy of computed tomography guided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2019 Sep;53(5):360-365. doi: 10.1016/j.aott.2019.06.001. Epub 2019 Jul 29.PMID: 31371131 Kilinc BE, Celik H, Oc Y, Unlu R, Keskinoz EN, Yilmaz B. Analysis of Subcutaneous Anterior Transposition versus in-situ Decompression of Ulnar Nerve with Force Transducer in Cadaver Specimen. Turk Neurosurg. 2020;30(1):99-103. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.27190-19.2.PMID: 32091113 Kilinc BE, Oc Y, Erturer RE. Modified Lindgren-Turan Osteotomy for Hallux Valgus Deformity - a Review of 60 Cases. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2018;85(5):325-330.PMID: 30383528 Gülenç B, Öç Y, Yalçin S, Şener B, Çamur S, Kara A. The Evaluation of Results of Repair using All-Soft Suture Anchor in the Treatment of Chronic Tendinous Mallet Finger Surgery. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2020;87(1):24-27. Kilinc BE, Oc Y, Kara A, Erturer RE. The effect of the cerclage wire in the treatment of subtrochanteric femur fracture with the long proximal femoral nail: A review of 52 cases. Int J Surg. 2018 Aug;56:250-255. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2018.06.035. Epub 2018 Jun 28.PMID: 29960077 Ertogrul R, Varol A, Oc Y, Kilinc BE. Is Peroneus Longus Allograft Good Alternative for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: a Comparison Study. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2021;88(1):58-62.PMID: 33764869 Sahin C, Oc Y, Ediz N, Hasanefendioglu Bayrak A. Successful percutaneous treatment of osteoid osteoma in a 13 month-old boy with radiofrequency ablation under CT guidance. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2019 May;53(3):233-237. doi: 10.1016/j.aott.2018.10.002. Epub 2018 Nov 13.PMID: 30446252 Sahin C, Ucpinar BA, Oc Y, Kabukcuoglu F. Radiologic Findings of Scapular Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Successfully Treated with CT-Guided Corticosteroid Injection. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2020 Jul;30(7):754-756. doi: 10.29271/jcpsp.2020.07.754.PMID: 32811609 Kara A, Celik H, Oc Y, Uzun M, Erdil M, Tetik C.Flexor tendon complications in comminuted distal radius fractures treated with anatomic volar rim locking plates. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2016. Seker A, Kara A, Armagan R, Oc Y, Varol A, Sezer HB Reconstruction of neglected achilles tendon ruptures with gastrocnemius flaps: excellent results in long-term follow-up.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2016 Oct Kara A, Celik H, Bankaoglu M, Oc Y, Bulbul M, Sugun TS. Ultrasonic Evaluation of the Flexor Pollicis Longus Tendon Following Volar Plate Fixation for Distal Radius Fractures. J Hand Surg Am. 2016 Mar;41(3) Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Oc, Y., Celik, H., Camur, S., Bilgin, E., Eren, O. T. (2016). Transtibial vs anatomical single bundle technique for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A Retrospective Cohort Study. International Journal of Surgery, 29, 62-69. Kilinc BE, Kemah B, Oc Y, Varol A, Celik H, Turkmen I Plate Positioning Affects the Pressure on the Axillary Nerve Following a Deltopectoral Approach. .Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2021;88(2):153-157.PMID: 33960929
Limb Reduction Surgery CostLimb reduction surgery cost is 19 850 USD. If you plan to get your cosmetic limb reduction surgery, please contact our patient consultant.
CareerBirinci International Hospital, (2024 – Still Working) - (Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist) Beykent University, (2021 – 2024) - (Assoc. Prof. Dr.) Beykent University Hospital, İstanbul (2021 – 2024) – (Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist) Private Medi Life Hospital, Bağcılar, İstanbul - (2019-2021) - (Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist) Private Vega Hospital, Çorlu, Tekirdağ - (2018-2019) - (Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist) Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital - (2015-2018) – (Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist) Batman Kozluk State Hospital – (2014-2014) – (Service period) University of Health Sciences - Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital - (2009-2014) – (Residency in Orthopedic Surgery)
Contact DoctorPlease contact our patient consultants for arrangement of an online consultation in consideration of extra charge, +90 531 988 30 90 (WhatsApp)
Articles Published in Other International Peer Reviewed JournalsYunus, O., Kilinc, B. E., Armagan, R., Kara, A., Kanar, M., & Eren, O. T. (2016). Volar locking plating treatment results in fragmented intraarticular distal radius fractures. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 17(1), 27-33. Oc, Y., Ozcan M. S., Sezer H. B., Kilinc B. E., Eren O. T. (2016). Nontraumatic Myositis Ossificans of Hip: A Case Presentation. Case Reports in Orthopedics, 2016. Oc Y, Varol A, Yazar EA, Ak S, Akpolat AO, Kilinc BE. Treatment strategy for elderly patients with the isolated greater trochanteric fracture. SAGE Open Med. 2020 Oct 7;8:2050312120964138. doi: 10.1177/2050312120964138. eCollection 2020.PMID: 33101681 6. Oc Y, Kilinc BE, Varol A, Kara A. A Safe Method for Early Rehabilitation of Articular Fracture at the Base of Thumb Metacarpal Bone. Adv Orthop. 2021 Feb 8;2021:6632211. doi: 10.1155/2021/6632211. eCollection 2021.PMID: 33628513 Oc Y, Kilinc BE, Ertugrul R, Sezer HB, Eren OT. Epithelioid Angiosarcoma in Femur: A Case Presentation. World J Oncol. 2017 Dec;8(6):196-198. doi: 10.14740/wjon1066e. Epub 2017 Dec 28.PMID: 29317966 Kilinc BE, Oc Y, Alibakan G, Bilgin E, Kanar M, Eren OT. An Observational 1-Month Trial on the Efficacy and Safety of Promerim for Improving Knee Joint. Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord. 2018 Feb 11;11:1179544118757496. doi: 10.1177/1179544118757496. eCollection 2018.PMID: 29467586 Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Haluk Celik, Oc Y, & Camur, S. (2016). Evaluation Of The Accuracy of Lachman and Anterior Drawer Tests With KT-1000 In The Follow Up Of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation Sonmez MM, Yilmaz F, Oc Y, Erturer RE, Seckin MF, Kilinc BE, Ozturk İ. Evaluation of the Superior Gluteal Nerve During Proximal Femoral Nailing. J Clin Anal Med 2016; DOI: 10.4328/JCAM.4824. Kilinc E, Adnan K, Ramazan EE, Yunus O. Mini External Fixator Assisted Metacarpal Lengthening With Distraction Method. Ser J Exp Clin Res 2015; 16 (3): 255-258 Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Haluk Celik, Y. O., & Camur, S. (2016). Is anterior cruciate ligament surgery technique important in rehabilitation and activity scores? Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 12(3), 232-234 Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Camur, S., Oc, Y., & Celik, H. (2015). Isokinetic dynamometer evaluation of the effects of early thigh diameter difference on thigh muscle strength in patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring tendon graft. Journal of exercise rehabilitation,11(2), 95-100. Kilinc E, Kara A, Sonmez MM, Oc Y, Camur S. Isolated carpal dislocation of the trapezium. Ser J Exp Clin Res; 16 (1): 51-54
Food and MedicineTurkish food has a taste that appeals to the palate of almost every person. During your stay at the hotel, you will have your buffet style breakfast as well as having the other meals to your delight. When it comes to medication, obtaining any medication you require while living in Turkey is not that difficult. Since we do not want our patients to deal with it, we take care of providing any medications that you are prescribed by the doctor.
Personalized ConsultationWe provide free personalized online consultation with our patient consultant for all of our patients. Also, online consultation with our surgeon is held via Zoom in consideration of a 100$ fee. Please get in contact with the patient consultation expert to schedule an available date for you.
Accommodation & TransportationWe provide accommodation, post-operative care, and physiotherapy services at the Blue Vista Hotel in Istanbul. In addition to these, VIP transportation is provided as a standard service throughout your entire journey.
Post-op Care & PhysiotherapyWe provide physiotherapy and postoperative follow-up for our limb lengthening patients throughout the process at the Blue Vista Hotel in Istanbul.
Pre-Op ProceduresPre-Op services includes planning your trip to Turkey, free Istanbul tour, physical examination, x-ray, and blood tests.
If you have doubts about whether height reduction surgery is real or not,
You can check out our Youtube video, in which we explain in detail how the limb reduction surgery is performed.
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Cihangir Neighborhood E5 Highway Beyaz Center Complex B No:51 Avcilar, Istanbul/Turkey
+90 531 988 3090